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^ What monsters drop shells and what parts? ^ This is official info from MYKO. As far as I know, unique monsters in this case are: all bosses, orc bandit officers and probably centaurs and isilions. EDIT: This was info for Knight Online versions before Fire Drake Expansion. Now shells are also droped by: Troll Shamans, Apostoles of Cold, Apostoles of Flame, Titans, Ewil Wizards, Eidelon, Balrogs, Beared Ruminants. Basicaly from all new strong mobs. ^ About Compounding Accesories ^ Compounding accesories = upgrading of accesories. You can compound every unique acc and every ordinary acc with minimum grade +5 (i.e. ring+5hp). Compounding is a bit difrent from upgrading items like armors and weapons. To compound any accesory you need 3 pieces of it and compound scroll available at Charon. So if you want Ring of Magic (+1) you need 3 Rings of Magic. If you want Ring of Magic (+2) you need 3 Rings of Magic (+1), so basicaly you need 9 of them for (+2). Important to remind that never upgraded unique got grade 0. Here is table with quantity of accesory needed for every grade. Grade 5 is max for unqiues:
Compounding unique accesories is 100% failsafe to grade +3, after that you can fail. But who will have 81 of any unique to try fail going to +4? Compounding ordinary accesories is not failsafe. You can fail even from +5 to +6. When you reach +10 grade, you can add another bonus with scrolls from charon i.e. to +10hp ring you can add str bonus. It will make item with grade (+1) with 12hp bonus and 1 str bonus. So you can again going with it to +10 (lolx). I made aditional table for quantity of ordinary acc needed for every grade, most of ppl starting from +6, so table is about +6s: P.S. I am not sure about value of second stat, that's why there are question marks :S If anyone know are those values are true or false please mail me at: kalais (at) angrenost (dot) org .
^ Experience Points ^ Experience Points what you need for every level. First number is level, second - exp points. 1 - 50 2 - 100 3 - 190 4 - 342 5 - 581 6 - 929 7 - 1 393 8 - 1 950 9 - 2 535 10 - 5 070 11 - 6 084 12 - 7 300 13 - 8 760 14 - 10 512 15 - 12 614 16 - 15 136 17 - 18 163 18 - 21 795 19 - 26 154 20 - 52 308 21 - 60 154 22 - 69 177 23 - 79 553 24 - 91 485 25 - 105 207 26 - 120 988 27 - 139 136 28 - 160 006 29 - 184 006 30 - 368 012 31 - 404 813 32 - 445 294 33 - 489 823 34 - 538 805 35 - 808 207 36 - 889 027 37 - 977 929 38 - 1 075 721 39 - 1 183 293 40 - 2 366 586 41 - 2 603 244 42 - 2 863 568 43 - 3 149 924 44 - 3 464 916 45 - 5 197 374 46 - 5 717 111 47 - 6 288 822 48 - 6 917 704 49 - 7 609 474 50 - 15 218 948 51 - 16 740 842 52 - 18 414 926 53 - 20 256 418 54 - 22 282 059 55 - 33 423 088 56 - 36 765 396 57 - 40 441 935 58 - 44 486 128 59 - 48 934 740 60 - 73 402 110 61 - 132 123 798 (here starts exp penalty - you geting half of exp points per kill) T_T 62 - 145 336 177 63 - 159 869 794 64 - 175 856 773 65 - 193 442 450 66 - 212 786 695 67 - 234 065 364 68 - 257 471 900 69 - 283 219 090 70 - 311 540 999 71 - 373 849 198 72 - 453 852 927 73 - 550 977 453 74 - 668 886 628 75 - 812 028 367 76 - 985 802 438 77 - 1 196 764 160 78 - 1 452 871 690 79 - 1 763 786 232 80 - 2 141 236 485 ^ Losing experience points in Colony Zone... ^ If you died from Towers or in Bowl from mob and you exped it can be hard to get you ressurected in Colony Zone. The Solution is relog to server2, and then relog back to server1. After that you will spawn in Piana/Breth (depends on race) and holy priest wont be risking his life to ressurect you in colony zone. ^ How to prevent for ressurection? ^ Many times happend to me something like this: I died and lost lot of experience points, waiting for 30 stone (giving back 80% of lost experience) resser and some random n00b resser ressed me for 4 stones (60% of exp). On high levels this is really painfull. How to prevent this? You need ask your friend to merchant 1 stone of life for you. When you buy it, it will appear in difrent slot than other stones. Keep it in first (top-left corner) slot of inventory. Noone will be able to ressurect you because there is no ressurect for 1 stone and system see only this 1 stone. When your 30 stone resser arrive, just switch stones in invenory to have 30+ group of stones in first slot. UPDATE: It seems not to work after Knight Empire patch. The items what you buy from merchant are added to the rest of it, not to new slot. But if you got 2 slots of stones before KE it stay as 2 slots of stone in KE. So remember, never delete your 1 stone, because you wont be able to make this trick again. So always you must have more than 30 stone in other slot. Why? Beacuse when you get ressed for 30 stone, you will have left with only 1 stone, and there is no way to make new slot with stones anymore... UPDATE2: (info by Gareth) As soon as u die, put your stones (eventually 30) on the delete slot, don't click yes or no. This will prevent anybody from ressing you, when YOUR resser comes, just click NO (it was obvious wasn't it?) and PUFF he can ress u no prob. This is way better then the 30 + 1 stone bug. ^ How to make HP potions? ^ Priests can make HP potions. It is very good from economy point of view because making of 720 hp pots cost like 2,5k per pot and NPC selling 720hp pots for 7k. To make 720hp u need: - 60 skill points in heal (for lesser pots, less points in heal required) and of course be a priest - prayers of favours (can buy at sundries) - holy water (npc with potions selling it) You going to great priest in your national area and she will ask you what kind of potion u want to make. With some patch number of pots being made are automatic and depends from numbers of ingredients. No more 10 pots limit. ^ How to make shield with resistances? ^ You can add to every ordinary upgradable shields resistances ability. Of course after that you will be not able add HP or other bonus, it is like armors, only 1 bonus. To add it just use Immune Scroll. It will add Fire and Glacier resistance. ^ National Points and Clan grades ^ Clan grade and look of arm band depends from National Points. Here are NP required for each grade. It is summary of every clan member NP's. Grade 4 - 72 000 National Points Grade 3 - 144 000 National Points Grade 2 - 360 000 National Points Grade 1 - 720 000 National Points ^ Abyss/Hell Abyss is available on every server... ^ You can get to the Abyss from Delos Zone. You can teleport yourself to Delos only from server1 using gate in Moradon. But when you already in Abyss you can relog to any server, because every server got its own Abyss. So if every floor of server1's Abyss is camped, you can look for empty spot on other servers. It also working for Hell Abyss. UPDATE: With some new patches it is not working for USKO version anymore. Abyss only available on server 1. I dont know however for other versions of Knight Online. UPDATE2: There is new way to go to abyss on server 2 and server 3. You need item called Dragon Marble. Isiloon Servants drops it. Click on Teleport Gate in Hell Abyss, and choose "Go to dragon Cave". When you relog in dragon cave, you wont dc after login into server 2 and 3 and when u quit cave u will spawn in Abyss. Be carefull, monsters in Dragon Cave are very agro, I suggest use Transformation Scroll there. ^ How to get to Hell Abyss ^ To enter Hell Abyss you need Key of Hell. It drops from Black Widows, scorpion-like mobs on 6th and 7th floor of Abyss (Desperation Abyss). Drop rate is really high, so you don't need buy those keys from other players, in my opinion it is wasting of money. Once you got the Key of Hell, right click on Teleport Gate and choose Teleport to Hell Abyss. ^ Damage depends from stats and weapons ^ Damage what deals your character depends from 1 stat of it and attack power/elemental abilities of weapon. For Rogue it is Dexterity, Warrior - Strength, Priest - Strength and Mage - Magic Power. To damage counts your base amount of stat and bonus from items what you carry on. But for mage it works kinda difrent in Player vs Player mode. For damage made to other players only matter staff and base Magic Power, MP from items not working for this. That's why, when going PK, all mages should use armors/items with Hit Points bonus on it. ^ Priest and Weapons ^ Priest got damage penalty for difrent kinds of weapons. If you are going to make huge damage (like all Battle Priests) you should use proper type of weapon. All kind of spears are useless for priests, because there is like -50% damage "bonus" for them. Same for swords. But if your priest will make master quest (level 60 quest) penalty for swords disapear. Clubs/Maces are free from any penalties. ^ Undying ^ There is a skill called "Undying". It is available for Buffers (Aura - EL Morad, Ecstacy - Karus). It givin Hit Points Bonus 60% of total Hit Points. So it is usefull for chars that have more than 2500 base hit points. 60% of 2500 = 1500. And as we all know 1500HP buff is best available buff. I sugest using this for bosses and leveling tho. For PKing only with really good and fast curer/rebuffer. ^ Manual Updating (USKO) ^ If you got problems with downloading patches via USKO launcher you can manually download them from ftp. Addres is: ftp://download.knightonlineworld.com/knight/upgrade/. You can find there even really old patches like 1265 (1st patch to USKO), but if you want upgrade Knight Empire client, you dont need this old patches, remeber - KE client is 1299. If you want update from 1299 to 1317 you must install every patch, 1 by 1. How to intstall? Just extract files to your KO directory and change in server.ini line about version to latest number (ie [Version] Files=1317). ^ Communication Shortcuts ^ In Knight Online, like all over the internet, people using shortcuts. I won't descirbe those popular like afk, brb etc. only those stricly related to KO which could make new player confused.
^ Skills for levels 70+ ^ MYKO and USKO got level cap 70. But on other version of Knight Online there are latest patches with new add-ons like karus female mage, 7th grade armors etc. And level cap is 80 so there are new skills there. Read what proabaly will come to USKO/MYKO: Translated from mgames website. Some of these seem ridiculous but it's fun to read And berserker still sux. Warrior: Attack: 74: Bleeding / Gives 200% dmg + 150 dmg + 1000 dmg for 20 seconds and does not fail 78: Shock stun / Gives 200% dmg and stuns for 3 seconds at a certain rate (pk only) Defense: 75: World of Iron / Defense increases by 3 times for 10 seconds, but movement speed is reduced by 50% 77: Iron Body / [Passive] Defense increases by 40%. Effect halved w/out shield. Berserk: 73: Berserker / AP increased by 20% for 20 seconds, but defense is reduced by 300 while skill is active 77: HP Booster / HP is restored even without sitting when skill is active Master: 15: Exceed Break / Gives 200% dmg and does not fail. Enemy's durability is reduced by 1000 at a certain rate. 20: Break Counter / Gives 300% dmg and does not fail. Enemy's durability is reduced by 1500 at a certain rate. Rogue: Archery: 52: Counter Strike / Shoots a powerful arrow. 62: Ace Arrow / Gives 200% dmg and slows the enemy. 66: Lightning Arrow / Gives 200% dmg and stuns for 3 seconds at a certain rate. 72: Blow Arrow / Gives 200% dmg while moving (lol.. sounds like hax) 76: Strafe / Gives 400% dmg and blinds (not binds) enemy at a certain rate. 80: Power shot / Shoots a powerful arrow. Assassin: 73: Critical Point / Gives 2 times the skill dmg when the enemy's def is over 1300. 75: Blinding / Gives 400% dmg and blinds enemy for 5 seconds at a certain rate. 79: Beast Hiding / Gives 300% dmg and stealths self for 5 seconds. Explore: 74: Enhanced Concentration / No failed attacks for 15 seconds. 79: Smoke Screen / Throws a smoke grenade and prevents targeting of friendly characters in a certain area. Master: 15: Source Masking / Puts an identification tag on the enemy to prevent stealthing for 10 minutes. 20: Disarm / Disarms the enemy's weapon (pk only). (<--- rofl ) ...Damn the list is so long........ I should go to sleep........ but here's the rest: Mage: Fire: 72: Fire staff / Gives powerful dmg with staff + additional fire dmg. 75: Fire Armor / Gives powerful fire dmg to the attacker (the guy who hit you) + DOT dmg 79: Fire vampiric / Shoots fire and drains enemy's MP into HP Ice: 72: Ice staff / Gives powerful dmg with staff + additional ice dmg 75: Cold Armor / Gives powerful ice dmg to the attacker (the guy who hit you) + DOT 79: Freezing distance / Freezes enemy momentarily. The rate of success can be increased depending on amount of HP. Lighting: 62: Light shock / Throws an object of light and momentarily blinds the enemy. 72: Light staff / Gives powerful dmg with staff and stuns at a certain rate. 75: Lightning Armor / Gives pwerful lightning dmg to the attacker and stuns at a certain rate 79: Blink / Caster can teleport 20 meters ahead. Exception: high elevations and illegal locations. Master: 15: Mana shield / 30% of received dmg reduces MP by 60% of dmg amt when skill is active 17: Instantly magic / Allows 1 skill recast without delay 20: Minor resist / Decreases enemy's resistance by 40% for a certain area Priest: Heal: 73: Fast recovery / Heals 2500HP for all party members and restores 3000 HP for 20 seconds 76: Fast restore / Restores 6000HP for 20 seconds for all party members 80: Counter curse / Shields all party members from 1 curse cast by enemy Buff: 72: Massive binder / 1500HP party buff 74: Round incentbility (????) / 300AC party buff 76: Incentbility (again ??) guard / 350AC buff for a party member 80: Superior lease (??) / 2500HP buff for a party member Debuff: 76: Superior parasite / Reduces max HP of enemy by 40%. Exception: cannot be used against unique monsters 80: Discountess (??) / Reduces 960 mana for a certain area + further reduces 960 mana for 10 seconds Master: 15: Helless / Gives 300% dmg + 200 dmg unaffected by def 18: Curse reflection / Shields against 1 curse cast by enemy + reflects curse to enemy at a certain rate. 20: Illusion web / Calls a cloud of magic and reduces friendly units' magic dmg received by 30% :::Skill modifications:::: (only significant ones) Rogue: Archery: 60: Shadow hunter / Gives 300% dmg with 100% accuracy. 70: Dark pursuer / Gives 350% dmg with 100% accuracy. Priest: Healing: 9: 240 heal 18: 360 heal 27: 720 heal Buff: 15: 240 buff 24: 360 buff 33: 720 buff FINALLY DONE But it's fun to read, right? GN all bb Info by KingDiez |