^ KO LIBRARY - news - forum - credits ^ GUIDES - mage - lightning - rogue - assassin - rogue - archer - warrior - priest - basics - priest - int type - mage's damage - 70+ exping guide ^ ITEMS - unique accesory - armors ^ OTHER INFO - ko reincarnation - forgotten frontiers - ko evolution - 7 keys quest - ascetic quest - master quests - mss quests - defence armors - bosses - other info ^ MEDIA - ko championships - kalais' ko trailer - resurrection trailer - movies - fan arts - maps ^ PARTNERS - diablo 3 exp timer - torchlight 2 - shakes & fidget - diablo 1 - warcraft 2 ^ ADS ^ SEARCH - usko version - japko version - krko version - mmorpg.com |
I gathered all galleries from KWC, so they not disapear in old news. To see gallery click on images. They open in new windows ^ 1. Knight Online World Championships - kwc 2009 ^ Hi all, I made few screenshots on Knight Online World Championship 2009. There is not much screenies, because I was to much into playing and forgot making good material for gallery :P Notice: There are descriptions below every image :) Notice 2: Dont laugh at my n00b skill bar, havent been playing mage for like 2 years xD Link: http://ko.kalais.net/gallery/kwc2009/ ^ 2. Knight Online World Championships - kwc 2006 - part 2 - event ^ In my opinion this whole international event was very bad. Servers crashed like 4 times during war, and colony zone was bug abused by chineese players... Well, I made screens gallery from today's event, I choosed best screenies from like 400. Here is link: http://ko.kalais.net/gallery/wc2/. Big thx to Prek for giving me access to his account. ^ 3. Knight Online World Championships - kwc 2006 - part 1 - client and maps ^ I just made gallery of screens from Knight Online World Championships server! Here is link: http://ko.kalais.net/gallery/wc/. Link updated, should be working fast now. Big thx to Prek for giving me access to his account. Greetz for messanger aka ViSeH ;) ^ 4. Knight Online World Championships - kwc 2006 - extras ^ Here is 2 small screenies, how we was looking at championships 2006 :) |